This is a program that sends the robot on it's merry little way, until it bumps into something. Then, it backs up for 100 centriseconds, turns right for a random amount of time, and repeats. I have it set up to display stored pictures for each separate movement. I have a forward arrow for 1, a sideways arrow for 2, and a back arrow for 3. ClrDraw RecallPic 1 Send({222}) Get(R) ClrDraw RecallPic3 Send({100,100}) Get(R) randInt(0,500)→X ClrDraw RecallPic 2 Send ({120,X}) Get(R) prgmFILENAME → is a right arrow, which is the "Sto" button on the calculator. FILENAME is whatever you named the program. -Pat "The Great" Wiedorn