ClrHome Send({222}) Get(R) R/100->S Disp "(F)EET,INCHES" Disp "OR" Disp "(M)ETERS" Input ":",L ClrHome If L=F:Goto 1 Goto 2 Stop Lbl 1 Disp "WHAT IS THE RATE","IN INCHES PER","SECOND?" Input ":",U ClrHome S*U->I I/12->X If X<1:Then X->A Goto Z Else If X>10:Then Disp "OVER","TEN","FEET" Goto P Else If X->1 and X<2:X-1->A If X->1 and X<2:Goto A If X->2 and X<3:X-2->A If X->2 and X<3:Goto B If X->3 and X<4:X-3->A If X->3 and X<4:Goto C If X->4 and X<5:X-4->A If X->4 and X<5:Goto D If X->5 and X<6:X-5->A If X->5 and X<6:Goto E If X->6 and X<7:X-6->A If X->6 and X<7:Goto F If X->7 and X<8:X-7->A If X->7 and X<8:Goto G If X->8 and X<9:X-8->A If X->8 and X<9:Goto H If X->9 and X<10:X-9->A If X->9 and X<10:Goto I Lbl Z A*12->B round(B,0)->C If C=12:Then X+1->X 0->C Else If X>3:C-1->C If X<1:Goto Á Disp X If X=1:Disp "FOOT" If X>1:Disp "FEET" Lbl Á If C=0:Goto Q Disp C If Cù1 and C<2:Disp "INCH" If C>2:Disp "INCHES" Lbl Q Return Stop Lbl 2 Disp "WHAT IS THE RATE","IN METERS PER","SECOND?" Input ":",V ClrHome S*V->A round(A,2)->X Disp X Disp "METERS" Return Stop Lbl A 1->X Goto Z Stop Lbl B 2->X Goto Z Stop Lbl C 3->X Goto Z Stop Lbl D 4->X Goto Z Stop Lbl E 5->X Goto Z Stop Lbl F 6->X Goto Z Stop Lbl G 7->X Goto Z Stop Lbl H 8->X Goto Z Stop Lbl I 9->X Goto Z Lbl P Stop